Dr. Olda Çiço
Olda Çiço, lindur më 19 maj 1977, është diplomuar për Menaxhim Biznesi në Fakultetin e Ekonomisë së Universitetit “F.S.Noli” Korçë në vitin 1999 dhe ka kryer studimet Master të nivelit të dytë për Administrim Biznesi në Institucionin e Arsimit të Lartë ISSAT në bashkëpunim me Universitetin UBIS Zvicër, në vitin 2011.
Prej vitit 2018, zotëron gradën Doktor në Marketing, të fituar në Fakultetin e Biznesit, Universiteti “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. Olda Çiço ka filluar karrierën në mësimdhënie në universitetin ku ka kryer studimet, menjëherë pas përfundimit të tyre. Në vazhdimësi, ka ndjekur këtë karrierë në disa institucione të arsimit të lartë private e publike.
Është përfshirë dhe ka mbajtur përgjegjësi për çështjet e administrimit të arsimit të lartë dhe proceset e akreditimit të programeve dhe institucionale, në të gjitha institucionet ku ka punuar. Olda Çiço ka kryer botime dhe ka marrë pjesë në konferenca kombëtare e ndërkombëtare në disa vende të rajonit e më gjerë, si autore e parë dhe bashkëautore.
Është përfshirë në seminare trajnuese të nivelit akademik në çështjet e mësimdhënies dhe zbatimeve praktike të parimeve të biznesit Olda Çiço ka përvojë pune në institucione të tjera shtetërore e private, në pozicione drejtuese dhe duke u vlerësuar nga instancat përgjegjëse.
Prej vitit 2005, Olda Çiço është anëtare e People to People International dhe prej vitit 2009 është anëtare themeluese e Rotary Club Tirana West.
Email: olda.cico@kulogos.edu.al
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Gjergji Papa
Associate Professor Gjergji Papa graduated in the field of Agronomy in 1983 and gained his doctorate in the same field in 1999. Since 2007, he holds the title of Associate Professor. He is engaged in the academic career after completing the studies, showing professionalism in the field it covers and receiving evaluations from students, peers and supervisors.
With an experience of 40 years, Associate Professor Gjergji Papa is the author and co-author of several monographs and many scientific articles in national and international magazines, as well as a participant and leader in several projects in the field of agribusiness.
Associate Professor Gjergji Papa has also held leadership positions in the Faculty of Agriculture of "F.S. Noli" University, showing responsibility for higher education administration issues and the accreditation processes of relevant and institutional programs.
Gjergji Papa is also a good husband and parent and a citizen engaged in the social and political field, setting the best example in the academic and professional field.
Email: gjergji.papa@kulogos.edu.al
MSc. Vasilika Mulla
MSc. Vasilika Mulla is an Assistant Lecturer at Logos University College, Faculty of Economics, Department of Agribusiness. She currently teaches "Marketing Plan and Campaign" and "E-Marketing". Her research focuses on financial education and the slow food movement, aiming to enhance sustainable decision-making and promote the responsible production and consumption of food that respects nature and community.
With over 23 years of professional experience, MSc. Mulla has built an extensive background in project management, human resources, banking, and academia. She holds a degree in Finance from the University of Tirana's Faculty of Economics (2001) and has participated in various professional training programs. She speaks English, French, Italian, and Greek.
Throughout her career, MSc. Mulla has held significant roles in both public and private higher education institutions. At the University of Tirana, she served as Head of the Projects Department within the Faculty of Foreign Languages, where she managed project applications and contributed to the successful implementation of numerous national and international projects. She has been an integral member of the Organizing Committees for several national and international Scientific Conferences. She has co-authored studies, including the Guide to Technology and Innovation in Teaching and Learning for pre-university educators and a labor market study for the Faculty of Foreign Languages.
Previously, MSc. Mulla served as an Assistant Lecturer for "Human Resources Management" courses at Luarasi University, where she also directed the Human Resources Office for five years. In the banking sector, she spent 15 years in leadership roles at Emporiki Bank Albania and Credit Agricole, where she developed retail financial strategies and managed customer relations in various managerial capacities.
Email: vasilika.mulla@kulogos.edu.al
MSc. Enxhi Marku
Enxhi Marku graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana, where she completed her studies in Economics (2011-2014) and then pursued a second-cycle degree in Marketing, graduating with excellent results in 2016.
In the same year, Enxhi began her career as an Assistant Lecturer at “LOGOS” University College, where she has taught various subjects such as "Principles of Marketing," "e-Marketing," "Business Communication," "Marketing Management," "Consumer Behavior," "Innovation," "Entrepreneurship," among others.
Enxhi is the author and co-author of several articles in various fields of marketing, e-marketing, and marketing communication, which have been published in scientific journals and presented at international conferences in Albania and other countries like Turkey, Romania, and Austria. She has participated in conferences and scientific activities, presenting current and important topics for the development of marketing, including topics on digital marketing, e-marketing strategies, the impact of social media on consumer behavior, and many more.
In addition to her academic career, Enxhi has attended numerous training sessions in human resource management, project design, and project management. She has also participated in international summer schools, deepening her knowledge and skills in different cultural and professional contexts.
Email: enxhi.marku@kulogos.edu.al