


“LOGOS” Foundation is an Albanian legal person established on the Decision no 284 of 26.06.2008, from the Tirana Distric Court.

“LOGOS” Foundation is a non – profit organization based on the Law no 8788 of 07.05.2001, as amended.

“LOGOS” Foundation has a charitable and humanitarian purpose and is an independent entity. It conducts its acitivity in support and assistance of all classes, regardless of political, gender or religious affiliation.

The foundation is open to all and is guided by the principles of humanism.

Object of activity:
It is opening and functioning of educational institutions such as: Higher Educational Institutions (HEI), vocational training institutes, etc.

Executive Director
Enkeled Mamaj

President of the LOGOS Foundation
Anastasios Yannoulatos
Archbishop of Tirana and all Albania
Emeritus Professor of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Honorary Member of the Academy of Athens