Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 71, on 04.10.2019, “On the periodic
accreditation of the first- cycle studies degree programme “Bachelor in Finance and Accounting”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 50, on 05.07.2019, “On the periodic
accreditation of the first- cycle studies degree programme “Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Technician”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 49, on 05.07.2019, “On the periodic
accreditation of the first- cycle studies degree programme “Bachelor in Applied Informatics”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No.48, on 05.07.2019, “On the periodic
accreditation of the first- cycle studies degree programme “Bachelor in Tourism Management”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No.47, 05.07.2019, “On the periodic
accreditation of the first- cycle studies degree programme “Bachelor in Business Management”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No.50, on 13.07.2018, “On the first
accreditation of the second- cycle studies degree programme Specialist Master in
Finance and Accounting of the University College “LOGOS”;
Accreditation Certificate for the institutional level No.register.22 issued on 30.10.2017;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No. 95, on 20.10.2017, “On the periodic
accreditation of the Higher Education Institution University College “LOGOS”;
Accreditation Certificate for the second- cycle studies degree programme
Specialist Master in Medical Laboratory Technician, No. Register. 44, issued on 13.07.2017,
offered by the University College “LOGOS”;
Decision of the Accreditation Board No.60, on 10.07.2017, “On the accreditation of
the second- cycle studies degree programme, Specialist Master in Medical Laboratory
Technician, offered by the University College “LOGOS”;
Ordinance No. 606, on 22,12.2016, “On fulfilling the conditions for the accreditation of the
study programme established by Order No.342, on 17.09.2015, “Second- cycle studies degree
programme Specialist Master in Finance and Accounting of the Private Higher School “LOGOS”;
Ministry of Education and Science, Minister’s Ordinance No.282, on 04.07.2012, “On the
institutional and some study degree programmes accreditation of the Private Higher School
“LOGOS” (BA in Tourism Management, Medical Laboratory Technician, Business Management, Applied
Informatics, Finance and Accounting)