
Farm management

Farm Management

The Agribusiness Professional Programme with profiles “Farm Management” and “Marketing Agricultural Product” is a post- secondary education programme. This programme lasts 2 academic years and is a full- time degree programme that confers to 120 ECTS. Studies in this programme are in Albanian language. This degree programme belongs to the 5th level of studies in the Albanian Framework of Qualifications. At the end of the studies “Professional Diploma in Agribusiness” profile” Farm Management” and “Professional Diploma in Agribusiness” profile “Marketing Agricultural Product” are issued.

The mission of this vocational programme is to train specialists in agribusiness sector. This degree programme offers concrete opportunities to become familiar with farm management, marketing of agricultural products and agro-processing processes.

The programme prepares skilled entrepreneurs specialist, that are able to organize small and middle private business to manage them, to market agricultural products, to set agricultural product prices, to respect business rights and obligations and to manage competition. The graduated student can be employed in national and international firms of agribusiness and in the agricultural products agencies.

Detajet e programit të studimit
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Viti i parë

Nr. Emërtimi i lëndës/veprimtarisë ECTS/Total
1 Baza të ekonomisë 6
2 Informatikë e zbatuar 6
3 Menaxhim i burimeve njerezore 6
4 Baza të kontabilitetit 6
5 Gjuha e huaj(Anglisht) 6
5 Menaxhim Agrobiznesi 6
- Totali ECTS Semestri I 36
Nr. Emërtimi i lëndës/veprimtarisë ECTS/Total
1 Sipermarrje dhe drejtim i biznesit të vogël 6
2 Ekonomi bujqesore 6
3 Praktikë mësimore 6
4 Gjuhë e Huaj (Greqisht) 6
- Totali ECTS Semestri II 24

Viti i dytë

Nr. Emërtimi i lëndës/veprimtarisë ECTS/Total
1 Extensioni bujqësor 6
2 Prodhim Shtazor 6
3 Drejtim ferme 6
4 Bazat e prodhimit bimor 6
5 Fitotekni 6
- Totali ECTS Semestri III 30
Nr. Emërtimi i lëndës/veprimtarisë ECTS/Total
1 Mbledhje e përpunim të dhënash 6
2 E drejte biznesi 6
3 Politikat e menaxhimit të agrobiznesit 6
4 Praktikë profesionale 6
5 Detyrime përmbyllëse 6
- Totali ECTS Semestri IV 30

Lëndë me zgjedhje

Nr. Emërtimi i lëndës/veprimtarisë ECTS/Total
1 Baza të prodhimit bimor 6
2 Fitotekni 6
3 Drejtim ferme 6
4 Menaxhim i burimeve njerëzore 6
5 Menaxhim I teknikës bujqësore 6

Gjuhë e huaj: Anglisht, Greqisht