1) Prof. Dr. Ilia Ninka - Chairman (Rector)
1966 – 1971 University of Tirana, the Faculty of Natural Sciences for Special Mathematics.
Collaborator in many universities
> University of Siegen, Germany
> University of Portsmouth, England
> Central European University (CEU), Hungary
> Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
> University of Bristol, England
> Paris East Marne-la-Vallée University
> Guest Professor, SEE University
> Guest Professor, University of Tetovo
He is one of the founders of the Department of Informatics and establishment of the branch of Informatics in 1984. Head of the Department of Informatics. He compiled teaching curricula for the First, Second and Third cycle of study programs in the Department of Informatics, University of Tirana.
Member of Senate of University of Tirana, Head of the subject’s commission of “Informatics”.
Chairman of the scientific advisory group for the program "Information systems and technologies". Chairman of the State Examination Commission appointed by the orders of the Minister of Education "On the establishment of the State Examination for regulated professions in the Republic of Albania" for Informatics.
Members of the State Examination Commission appointed by the orders of the Minister of Education "On the establishment of the State Examination Commission for regulated professions in the Republic of Albania", Department of Mathematics and Informatics.
Leader of over 20 doctorates, and Master of Science degrees.
Leader of several projects.
Author of over 30 textbooks of Informatics and Information Technology and many university textbooks. Author of monographs,
scientific articles, articles presented at scientific conferences, drafter of technical reports, lecturer writer of these
C ++, Java, Artificial Intelligence, UML and web programming.
Course lecturer of these subjects: Data Structure, Circuit Logic, Artificial Intelligence, C language, Numerical Method, FORTRAN language, Pascal Language, C ++ Language, Java Language.
Author and co – author of about 40 scientific articles.
Leader of the representative team in the International Olympiad in Informatics.
Jury Member of IT Olympiads. Chairman of the Jury if the Balkans Olympiad on Informatics.
He speaks and writes these languages: French, English, Italian and Russian.
Non – governmental organizations
Contact: rektori@kulogos.edu.al
2) Prof. Dr. Artur Ribaj - Member
Short Bio:
Prof. Dr. Artur Ribaj, Pedagog dhe Konsulent për tregjet financiare.
Rreth 25 vjet përvojë pune në fushën akademike si lektor në universitete publike dhe së fundmi edhe në privat për lëndë të lidhura me tregjet dhe institucionet financiare, audit, menaxhim risku, etj. Autor artikujsh shkencor të botuar në revista të indeksuara me SCOPUS, apo indeksime të tjera. Autor punimesh në konferenca ndërkombëtare si edhe oponent dhe udhëheqës shkencor për disertacione në fushën e tregjeve financiare. Mban gradën Doktor Shkencash prej vitit 2004 nga FEUT, si edhe titullin Prof. Asoc. prej vitit 2012, ndërsa në vitin 2021 mori titullin professor doktor. Zotëron certifikime ndërkombëtare në fushën e Letrave me Vlerë (Titujve), Menaxhimit të Rrezikut, Stabilitetit Financiar, Legjislacioni i BE-së, Pastrimit të Parave, etj.;
Mbi 20 vjet eksperiencë pune si drejtues në disa pozicione në Bankat më të mëdha, ndër të cilat 5 vjet si drejtues i Departamentit të Mbikëqyrjes në AMF dhe në Departamentin e Mbikëqyrjes në BSH. Gjatë këtyre viteve punë në tregjet financiare ka përfaqësuar njësitë respektive që drejtonte në marrëdhënie partneriteti me institucione të rëndësishme publike, homologë vendas dhe të huaj, autoritete të tjera mbikëqyrëse brenda dhe jashtë Shqipërisë, dhe institucione të tjera ndërkombëtare si Këshilli i BE-së, FMN-ja, BB, ECB, Standard & Poor's, etj. Kontribues në hartimin dhe koordinimin e punës për raportet dhe takimet me ekspertët e FMN dhe BB dhe plotësimin e rekomandimeve të dhëna për mirëqeverisjen e ndërmjetësve financiar.
Drejtues i disa grupeve ndërdepartamentale të punës për hartimin e akteve të reja rregullatore dhe ose amendim të tyre për tregun bankar, tregun e sigurimeve, fondet e investimeve dhe fondet e pensioneve në përputhje me ACQUIS të BE-së, praktikat më të mira rajonale dhe specifikat e Shqipërisë me qëllim adresimin e rekomandimeve të dhëna nga FSAP, KE, KLSH, etj.
Contact: artur.ribaj@kulogos.edu.al
3) Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Giakoumis - Member
Short Bio:
Prof. Konstantinos Giakoumis, Ph.D., (ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6658-4414 - H-Index: 6) is a Professor of History and Visual Arts at LOGOS Universioty College Tirana, Albania, and currently serves as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Linguistic Communication at the same institution, where he has been teaching since September 2020. His teaching portfolio includes courses such as Albanian History, Visual Arts and Methods. He is also an adjunct faculty at POLIS University, where he teaches History of Architecture in Albania in its Executive Master in Restoration and Valorization of Cultural Heritage.
His research interests span Byzantine and Ottoman history, art history, Balkan nationalism, and cultural heritage and pilgrimage studies. He has also participated with a leadership roles in research, innovation and development projects with EU funds in the context of Cross-Border Cooperation and ERASMUS+ Capacity-Building in Higher Education with such initiatives as “Homo Digitalis (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-1 Project No 101129182),” “MAGNET (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE Project No. 101083006),” and “ROAMING (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE Project No. 101083070),” which address various aspects of digital humanities, governance enhancement, and international mobility in the West Balkans.
Prof. Giakoumis is a prolific scholar with numerous publications, including books, monographs, and peer-reviewed journal articles. His research on Byzantine and post-Byzantine art, history and culture has made significant contributions to scholarly, academic and cultural discourse. Additionally, he has earned distinctions such as the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence for his research proposals. He is also actively involved in peer-review activities for leading academic journals and serves as an advisor and external research fellow for several national and international institutions.
Full CV: https://kulogos.academia.edu/KonstantinosGiakoumis/CurriculumVitae
4) Assoc. Prof. Spartak Bozo - Member
Short Bio:
Born in Tirana 03.03.1954 he was graduated in the branch of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences. He has completed specializations in Italy, France in the field of Biochemistry. He has awarded the Candidate of Science Degree (PhD) at the Institute of Biosynthesis Studies at the national Research Centre in 1989 and has awarded the “Master of Research” (Prof.ass.) in 1994.
1986 - 1997 | Researcher at the Academy of Science at the Institute of Biological Research 1989 The Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics of this Institute |
1997 - 2005 | General Director of the Directorate of Patents and Trademarks, at the Council of Ministers |
2006 - 2016 | Academic staff and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food at the Agricultural University |
2016 - 2020 | The Head of the Department at the University of Sports, at the same time academic staff and researcher in the field of Biology, Biochemistry of human genetics |
October 2020 - onwards | Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University College “LOGOS” |
He is the author of many publications in national and international scientific periodics, in the field of Biochemistry; Genetics and the adaptation of the organism to the oxygen insufficiency. He has attended many national and international activities. He is a member of various national and international professional organizations.
Contact: spartak.bozo@kulogos.edu.al
5) Prof. Asoc. Dr. Tefta Rota - Member
Short Bio:
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Tefta Rota was graduated in General Medicine, University of Tirana in 1972. In 1984 she completed her specialization as a Uropediatric Surgeon at Saint Joseph, Paris. In 1994, she has awarded the Doctorate Degree from the Scientific Qualification Commission; in 2001, she has awarded the academic title “Associate Professor”.
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Tefta Rota has a long experience in teaching. Since 1982, she has worked for 30 years as a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana.
2012-2019 - Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of medical Sciences, Albanian University.
2016-onward - Full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University College “LOGOS”
Throughout her 40 years career as a Uropedic surgeon at the University Hospital Centre “Nënë Tereza”, has held several management positions.
1977-1990 - Deputy Director of UHC “Nënë Tereza”
2013-2014 - Head of Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy at the Albanian University
2018-2020 - Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University College “LOGOS”
She is the author and co-author of many research publications, published within and abroad. She has attended many national and international conferences and research projects. She is a member of various scientific research boards.
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Tefta Rota is fluent in English and French language.
Contact: tefta.rota@kulogos.edu.al
6) Assoc. Prof. Marsela Harizaj - Member
Short Bio:
Marsela Harizaj, Professor of English language at the University College "LOGOS", Faculty of Humanities and Linguistic Communication, Department of Greek Language and Civilization. From October 1999 - march 2019, I was full time academic staff at the Department of Foreign Languages ( English Branch ), at the University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora, Albania. She is specialized in English Language Teaching and Pre service Teacher Education. In 1995- 1999, Has completed the studies and graduated as “Teacher and Translator of English Language” at the University of Vlora, /English branch. 2006-2008, followed the postgraduate studies she holds the “Executive Master” at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Albania. 2009-2013. She holds the Doctorate “Ph.D Degree” at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Albania. (Master of Science / PhD. Dissertation) in Linguistics, in the field of Didactics of English Language. She holds the academic title: “Associate Professor”, at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Albania, February 2016. Study and research areas include methodology and didactics of English language. She has attended too many national and international conferences, activities, workshops on education and is the author of many publications on Foreign Language Teaching, here and abroad.
Contact: marsela.harizaj@kulogos.edu.al
7) PhD Georgios Gaitanos - Member
Short Bio:
Dr. Georgios Gaitanos works as a Lecturer of Religious Studies and he is the head of the Faculty of Social Theology and Science of Religion of College Logos University, Tirana. He has studied Theology, Study of Religion and Social Anthropology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Counseling at the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (Aspete). His doctorate thesis is about the theory of the study of religion according to Jonathan Zittel Smith and his post-doc research was about the meaning of the term religion on Early Christian Literature.
At the moment he is working on several research programs of the Faculty of Theology via the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His main academic interest is the theory of religious studies and specializes in researching new categories in the Study of Religion. In addition, he studies on contemporary subjects that give ideas for new taxonomic categories and re-shape the public opinion about religion.
His latest publications concern the new perspectives on the academic study of religion, the creation of new categories on the study of religions during the Late Antiquity, a handbook on the History of World Religions and a guideline on preparation of scientific research.
Contact: georgios.gaitanos@kulogos.edu.al
8) Dr. Jehona Kola - Member
Short Bio:
PhD Jehona Gjermizi has completed her bachelor and master studies at the Faculty of Economy of the University of Tirana in the Finance-Accounting profile as an excellent student. She also completed a second scientific master's degree at the Faculty of Business, UAMD in the Finance-Banking profile. In 2016, she earned the degree of "Doctor of Economic Sciences".
Since 2011, she has been a lecturer in accounting and finance courses and a participant in many national and international scientific conferences.
Contact: jehona.gjermizi@kulogos.edu.al
9) Llazarion Teneqexhi - Member (Student)