Prof. Dr. Artur Ribaj
He has 25 years of work experience in the academic field as a lecturer at public universities and recently in private institutions for subjects related to markets and financial institutions, auditing, risk management, etc. Author of scientific articles published in journals indexed with SCOPUS, or other indexes. Author of papers in international conferences as well as opponent and scientific leader for dissertations in the field of financial markets. He holds the degree of Doctor of Science since 2004 by Faculty of Economics in University of Tirana, and the title Prof. Assoc. since 2012, while in 2021 he received the title of professor doctor. He holds international certifications in the field of Securities (Securities), Risk Management, Financial Stability, EU Legislation, Money Laundering, etc.
His work experience for up to 20 years as a manager in several positions in banks, including five (5) years as Head of the Supervision Department at the AFSA and the Supervision Department at the Bank of Albania. During these years of work in the financial markets has represented the respective units that led in partnership relations with important public institutions, domestic and foreign counterparts, other supervisory authorities inside and outside Albania, and other international institutions such as the EU Council, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, ECB, Standard & Poor's, etc. He has contributed to the drafting and coordination of work for reports and meetings with IMF and WB experts and the fulfillment of recommendations given for good governance of financial intermediaries.
He has been a leader of several interdepartmental working groups for drafting new regulatory acts and / or amending them for the banking market, insurance market, investment funds and pension funds in accordance with European Union ACQUIS, regional best practices and specifications of Albania in order to address the recommendations given by Financial Sector Assessment Program, EC, Supreme State Audit, etc.
PhD. Romina Radonshiqi
Short Bio:
Romina Radonshiqi born in Durres, Albania on 11.04.1987. She is Doctor of science in economy in field of General Management. She graduated bachelor degree in Administrative Science and master of science (MSc) in Financial Administration. She worked as Project Manager and Financier. She is working as lecturer in University till 2012. She is a participant in international scientific conferences and author of many scientific articles in international scientific journals in Europe, USA, Asia, Balkans. and she is a member of the Editorial Board of international scientific journals in America and Asia. She is the author of four books published in Germany. Romina is one of the 121 Albanian women selected by Albanian Excellence in the exhibition "121 photos in 121 success story". She is part of civil society and has been invited to many activities on issues affecting young people.
Dr. Jehona Kola Gjermizi
Dr. Jehona Gjermizi ka mbaruar studimet në nivel bachelor dhe master shkencor në Fakultetin Ekonomik të Universitetit të Tiranës në profilin Financë-Kontabilitet si një studente ekselente.
Gjithashtu ka kryer master shkencor të dytë pranë Fakultetit të Biznesit, UAMD në profilin Financë-Bankë. Në vitin 2016 ka fituar gradën “Doktor i shkencave ekonomike” .
Prej vitit 2011 është lektore e lëndëve të kontabilitetit dhe financës dhe pjesëmarrëse në shumë konferenca shkencore kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare.
MSc. (Dr. Proc) Iva Sulaj
Ms. Iva Sulaj (Kalleshi) has completed her university studies in 2006, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, in Finance-Accounting.
In 2011, she has completed at this Faculty too, the Second Level Master in Finance.
She is currently persuing her PhD studies in "Economic Sciences", at Aleksandër Moisiu University, Durrës.
After several work experiences in state and private companies, she has chosen to give her contribution, for eight years already, at "Logos" University College, in the academic field which she is passionate about.
Some of the subjects she teaches at the Faculty of Economics, "Logos" University College, are: "Principles of Finance", "Investments", "Principles of Accounting", "Financial Management".
MSc. (Dr. Proc) Elvis Xhori
Short Bio:
Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in "Economics and Trade, specializing in Monetary and Financial Markets" from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Genoa, Italy. In 2011, he completed a Master's degree in "Science of Economics and Financial Markets" at the Faculty of Economics, University of Genoa, Italy. Since 2013, he has been engaged in teaching primarily in the following subjects: Cost Accounting, Computerized Accounting Systems, Managerial Accounting, Advanced Managerial Accounting, Basic Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, and Taxation within the Department of Finance-Accounting. He has also published a number of scientific articles and participated in national and international conferences addressing various issues in economic sectors. He has completed a series of trainings, workshops, and seminars in the fields of finance and accounting, fiscal legislation, customs, etc. His research focus primarily centers on financial issues related to capital structure, accounting, and national and international financial reporting standards. Throughout his 15-year professional career, he has worked in the finance and insurance sector in companies both domestically and abroad. He collaborates with accounting firms in providing accounting and fiscal consultancy to entities within and outside the country. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He holds the international computer license ICDL/ECDL and has advanced knowledge of statistical/financial programs: EViews, Stata, Finance 5.0, Alpha Business, Alpha Web, Devpos, ERP SAP, E-Tax. Since 2022, he has been pursuing doctoral studies in the third cycle at the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the Finance profile at the "Mediterranean University of Albania" as a candidate for obtaining a doctoral degree.